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Tiny artist


Tiny is an Irish artist based in Barcelona / New York. Since moving to Barcelona, her style and subjects have changed massively. Inspired by the streets, Tiny uses the everyday, mundane elements of life to create her own narrative. The ever changing urban landscape is her playground. 

During the lockdown of 2020, she accidentally created my character Ita. Ita is what she likes to describe as a positive byproduct of the pandemic, a fluke discovery in a moment of madness.

When Ita first appeared on the streets, she rapidly became very recognisable and her onlookers were instantly hooked. She sparked massive interest with the community both in the city and online. Through the elements of surprise and humor she is able to communicate more serious messages to her audience. Her cute and feminine appearance allows her to be accessible and engaging but that perpetually angry face gets people thinking. 

Ita was subconsciously created as a middle finger and a massive F**K you to the things in life that are out of our control and it turns out that many people can relate to that. 

This year, Tiny ventured to New York where she quickly became part of the vibrant street art scene. In just a short time, she made her presence known by exhibiting in numerous shows in different galleries across the city, including “Summer Sundown ”, curated by prestigious UpMag street art magazine. Working with fellow street artist friends, she co founded a street art collective in Brooklyn which has been gaining a lot of traction in the street art world.
